Woodchoppers Club
Meets 2nd Saturday of the following months@ 10am (Jan,Mar,May,Oct,Dec).
Wood Shop Policy and Procedures
STATEMENT OF INTENT: It is recognized by the Board of Trustee’s of the Bayshore Gardens Park and Recreation District that the facilities known as the “Wood Shop Building” and the “Tools and Equipment” therein are “district” property and shall remain so for the use of, by and for the residents of the district only.
POLICY: It is the policy that afore said facilities, tools and equipment be intended for the use of the Bayshore Gardens Community at large. Use of tools and equipment shall be predicated upon signing a hold harmless agreement with the district and training for their use through current membership in the “Woodchopper’s Club”.
PROCEDURES: 1) Tools and equipment shall be maintained in good working order by the Woodchoppers Club designates, quarterly inspection of tools, quarterly written report and quarterly report to House and Grounds committee shall be required, all tools and equipment shall be repaired, removed or replaced as deemed necessary. 2) Replacement of tools and equipment shall be accomplished in a timely fashion to maintain the safety of use of the equipment by the resident members of the district. 3) Tools and equipment deemed deficient and un-repairable by the Wood Choppers Club designates shall be brought to the attention of the House and Grounds committee for review of status, and submitted to the Board of Trustees for replacement.
After review of the status by the House and Grounds committee, tools deemed deficient and un-repairable with a value less than $500.00 shall be presented to the District Manager for replacement. Tools with a value greater that $500.00 shall be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval of replacement costs.